Release process / Branches


This part of the documentation is only relevant for people that have full access on our repository, so most likeley not for you.

Introduction / Alpha

Currently we are developing on the feature/* branches, which also builds alpha versions on every push automatically as soon as pull requests are opened. Also alpha builds will be created when we merge something into main


To deploy a beta release:

  • go to draft a release on the PugSharp Repository

  • decide on the next release version number based on semver defaults

  • create a tag with the naming scheme vX.X.X-beta (where X are numbers)

  • enter the title with the naming scheme vX.X.X-beta (where X are numbers)

  • you can then klick on Generate release notes and add the other changes in the description

  • check Set as a pre-release

  • klick on Publish release

  • the CI will add the nessecary files to the release


To deploy a beta release:

  • go to draft a release on the PugSharp Repository

  • decide on the next release version number based on semver defaults

  • create a tag with the naming scheme vX.X.X (where X are numbers)

  • enter the title with the naming scheme vX.X.X (where X are numbers)

  • you can then klick on Generate release notes and add the other changes in the description

  • klick on Publish release

  • the CI will add the nessecary files to the release