
On Linux with vscode


Currently this guide is only suited for Linux. The development on windows including the testing and debugging in a windows based cs2 server is possible right now, but our makefile and the documentation is lacking how. We will add the support for that soon.

  • You have to make sure you have followed the Developers start guide and you have your server already running.

  • Open the project in vscode

  • Make sure you have the recommended extensions installed in vscode (press F1 and select Extensions: Show Recommended Extensions)

  • Make sure you have installed the .NET SDK locally via your package manager (check which version is currently required here )

  • run make install-vsdebug ( install-vsdebug ) to install vsdebug inside the cs2 container (you have to do this every time you restart the cs server container)

  • go to the Run and Debug tab in vscode and select the configuration PugSharp Docker Attach from the list at the top and klick on the Start Debugging button or hit F5 on your keyboard (which should work after that even if you don’t have the tab opened).

  • you will now see a process selection on top of your window, where you have to select the cs2 process

  • run make one more time, to make sure the code that is running inside your server is acutally the code in your ide and now your debugging / pausing / breakpoints should work.

  • you can leave the debugging running and use make after you make changes to the code, the server will hotreload your changes and you should be able to change and debug the code without restarting anything.