Our CI /CD is setted up in our gh repository with github actions. There are two workflows that we use.


klick here to see the current test_and_build.yml

This workflow runs on:

  • every push to the main branch

  • every push to the develop branch

  • every release / tag that begins with v

  • every pull request that is authorized to run workflows

Excluted file changes that will not trigger this workflow in any of the above cases:


  • !Makefile

This workflow does the following things:

  • run the dotnet tests and upload them to sonarcloud

  • get set all download links and versions dynamically

  • generates an example metadata file that maybe someday serves the purpose of easy updating

  • build and package linux packages on ubuntu (the release configuration is only used when a stable release tag, for example v1.0.0 is created, otherwise the debug configuration is used)

  • build and package windows packages on windows (the release configuration is only used when a stable release tag, for example v1.0.0 is created, otherwise the debug configuration is used)

  • Upload the current build as artifacts

  • Upload files to the corresponding release, if the run is triggered with the creation of a release

for more detail check out the current version


klick here to see the current website_build.yml

This workflow runs only when one of the following files/paths are changed and one of the conditions below is true:


  • Docs/**

  • packaging/Docs/**

  • .github/workflows/website_build.yml


  • every push to the main branch

  • every release / tag that begins with v

  • every pull request that is authorized to run workflows

This workflow does the following things: